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Discover The Legacy Of Pragues Jewish Community


Exploring the Rich History of Josefov: Prague's Enchanting Jewish Quarter

Discover the Legacy of Prague's Jewish Community

Immerse yourself in the captivating history of Prague's Jewish community by embarking on a guided tour of Josefov, the city's former Jewish quarter. This captivating neighborhood, established in the 13th century, is home to an array of synagogues, cemeteries, and historic landmarks that tell the story of a vibrant and enduring community.

The Old-New Synagogue: A Historic Gem

Step into the Old-New Synagogue, the oldest surviving synagogue in Central Europe. Dating back to the 13th century, this Gothic masterpiece showcases exquisite architectural details and a rich history. According to legend, the synagogue was built with stones from the Second Temple in Jerusalem, adding to its mystique and significance.

The Jewish Cemetery: A Silent Witness

Explore the sprawling Jewish Cemetery, a solemn yet poignant reminder of the past. With thousands of tombstones dating back centuries, this cemetery offers a glimpse into the lives and traditions of Prague's Jewish community. The weathered headstones bear inscriptions in Hebrew, German, and Czech, each telling a unique story.

