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Age Requirements

Defining an Antique Car

Age Requirements

The most common criterion for defining an antique car is the 45-year rule. However, the exact age requirement for antique car status varies depending on the source of the definition. In some jurisdictions, an antique car is defined as a vehicle that is 25 years or older, while in others it may be 30, 40, or even 50 years or older.

For example, in the United States, the federal government does not have an official definition for antique cars. However, many states have their own definitions. In Connecticut, for example, an antique car is defined as a vehicle that is 20 years or older. In Virginia, the age requirement is 25 years, and in New York, it is 30 years.

Vintage Cars vs. Antique Cars

The term "antique car" is often used interchangeably with the term "vintage car." However, there is a subtle distinction between the two. Antique cars are generally considered to be vehicles that are at least 25 or 45 years old, depending on the definition being used. Vintage cars, on the other hand, are typically defined as vehicles that are at least 20 but less than 45 years old. Therefore, all vintage cars are also antique cars, but not all antique cars are vintage cars.


The definition of an antique car is a matter of some debate. However, the most common criterion used to define an antique car is the 45-year rule. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not a particular car is considered an antique depends on the specific definition being used.
